The principle of criminal legal norm prescribed by law is an important principle of criminal legal norm's disposition. 刑法规范法定原则是一项重要的刑法规范配置原则。
It is the most important for the criminal whether the procedure of judicial review of death sentence is effective or not. 死刑复核程序是把握犯罪人生命权的最后一道关口,因此意义重大。
To adjudicate criminal to determine the punishment is the most important role in criminal justice system, it is relates to judicial estimate of equityand justice. 摘要对犯罪人裁量决定刑罚是刑事审判中重要的环节,事关对司法活动公平与正义的评价。
Experiments play an important role in criminal technology teaching. 实验在刑事技术教学中具有重要作用。
At present, forensic pathology is playing a very important role in criminal cases, civil disputes and insurance settlements. 法医病理司法鉴定在刑事案件、民事纠纷、保险理赔等方面发挥着重要的作用。
Investigation supervision is an important part of criminal legal supervision of people's procuratorate organs. 侦查监督是检察机关刑事法律监督的重要组成部分。
The iron liability system should be introduced into the crime of causing serious environment pollution and it is valuable and important in criminal law theory and judicial practice. 我国对重大环境污染事故罪应引入严格责任制度,这在刑法理论和司法实践上都具有重大的价值和意义。
Rules of evidence are very important in criminal procedure. 证据制度是刑事诉讼中的重要法律制度。
The witness's testimony is very important in criminal procedure. Whether its stipulation of law is perfect is directly related to the realization of the justices of entity and to the maintaining of the normal order in society. 证人证言在刑事诉讼中有着非常重要的作用,其法律规定是否完善,直接关系到实体公正的实现,关系到社会正常秩序的维护。
The testimony of witness is important in criminal procedure. It is the basic requirement in modern trial system and the key to guarantee the judicial justice for witness to be present in person to give testimony. 证人证言是刑事诉讼中的重要证据,证人出庭作证是现代庭审制度的基本要求,也是保障司法公正的关键。
Plea bargaining system is an important criminal procedure system of American, the system originating in America receives various countries approval gradually, and becomes the judicial practice in the word scope. 辩诉交易制度是美国的一项重要的刑事诉讼制度,这项发端于美国的制度逐渐受到各国的认可,并成为世界范围内的司法实践。
It's the important criminal policy for the serious restriction of the application of death penalty to reduce and be careful for the death sentence. 少杀、慎杀是严格限制死刑适用的重要刑事政策。
Litigation division at investigation phase is a kind of important criminal litigation division whose essence is to mediate beyond judicature. 侦查阶段的诉讼分流是一种重要的刑事诉讼分流,其实质是在侦查阶段进行司法外和解。
As the important international criminal thoughts, the non-crime policy faces different opinions domestically. Nowadays there are different opinions about whether the automotive industry is the leading sector or not among the provincial economic field. 非犯罪化是当前国际上重要的刑法思潮,在我国,对于非犯罪化刑事政策的选择有不同的意见。经济界对汽车产业是否为支柱产业,是否为主导产业有不同的意见。
The procedure of interrogating the accused in criminal proceedings is an important criminal procedure. 刑事庭审中对被告人的讯问程序是一项非常重要的刑事诉讼程序。
Based on the half-baked skull of the victim, it is most important for criminal reconnaissance to reconstruct the victim's 3D appearance. 依据残缺不全的受害人颅骨来实现受害人3维相貌复原是刑事侦察的关键的第1步。
Criminal retrial system is a very important system in criminal suits theory and judicial practice. 刑事再审制度是刑事诉讼理论和司法实践中一个十分重要的制度。
Actio libera in cause is an important topic of criminal law theory in continental legal system all the time. 原因自由行为一直以来就是大陆法系刑法理论中的一个重要主题。
Attempted crime is an important issue in criminal law theories and practice. 犯罪未遂是刑法中一个十分重要的理论与实践问题。
The amount of crime is a very important criminal law area. 犯罪数额是刑法中一个很重要的范畴。
Criminal defense system is an important criminal proceeding system, which is once known as the best grace God gave to humanity. 刑事辩护制度是刑事诉讼中的一项重要的制度,曾被称为是上帝给与人类最好的恩惠。
The imaginative joinder of offences is an important criminal pattern in criminal theory and it is also a common criminal pattern in the legal practice. 想象竞合犯是刑法理论中重要犯罪形态之一,也是司法实践中常见犯罪形态之一。
Combat error, is a very important criminal theory and also often occurs in judicial practice and is difficult issues. 打击错误,是刑法学中一个十分重要的基础理论问题,也是司法实践中时常发生并且较为棘手的问题。
Supplementary investigation plays as an important criminal lawsuit activity so it is pretty necessary for it to be existed. 补充侦查作为一项重要的刑事诉讼活动,在很大程度上还有其存在的必要性。
The development of negligence crime in Chinese and Western legislation and in Criminal legal theory is expounded to prove that negligence crime has become all the more important in criminal legislation as well as criminal theory. 本章通过阐述过失犯罪在中西方立法和刑法理论中上的发展规律,来说明过失犯罪无论是在刑法立法上、还是刑法理论上越来越重要,大有和故意犯罪平分秋色的趋势。
Under the complex financial background, money-laundering is an important financial criminal activity. 在复杂金融交易背景下,洗钱是一项重要的金融犯罪活动。
Therefore, studying issues of related to fraud is important in the criminal law theory and practice. 因此,研究诈骗罪的相关问题,在刑法理论和实务中具有重要意义。
The commutation is an important criminal enforcement system in our country. We should make necessary limits to the application of commutation limits to ensure the criminal judgment more reasonable implementation. 减刑是我国刑事执行制度的一项重要制度,为保障刑事判决的合理执行,应该对减刑的适用做必要的限制。
However, this important criminal proceeding in the current theoretical circles and judicial practice areas does not attract much attention. 然而,这一重要的刑事诉讼程序在当前的理论界和司法实务界并没有引起足够的重视。
The amendment to the Criminal Law is an important criminal legislation, which adds, amends or repeals some of the content of the existing Criminal Law. And that can make the Criminal Law more scientific. 刑法修正是我国一项重要的刑事立法活动,它是对现行刑法进行补充、修改或者废除其部分内容,从而使刑法更加科学化。